Hey guys, I haven't used this account in along time let alone actively. Like I made this account in elementary school. I just wanted to give you some updates on my life over the past couple of years.
I've been more active on youtube livestreaming these past couple of years and I have more or less so shifted over to music as the art I wish to make instead of animation. I still make art in Microsoft Paint and have made a lot of great pieces for my thumbnails for streams like this one.
I figured that I if I am gonna be posting some Beepbox tracks that messed around and found out something.
I might as well give you some updates here as well.
I mainly make music without a DAW by using a 8 track multi-track recorder by myself and I can play 4 instruments (Bass, Keyboards, Guitars and Drums) which I have posted to my bandcamp here: https://tentativedecisions1.bandcamp.com/album/bloody-heat-dream
If this new music from my bandcamp interests you so much for me to make some music for your Movie or video game or whatever than please contact me on newgrounds in PMs.
Subscribe to my youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@Califlower-official/featured